
Showing posts from July, 2020

Horse race goes on even through Pandemics

A Horse riding, horse breeding, horse racing ... Did you know that in France horse racing is the biggest entertainment and business? It is true, the highest biddings can be made in a combination of one  leader, two or three in a row or a multiple winners in a tobacco shop or directly at most of the hippodromes.  Due to the danger of contamination the races whether we are talking of any discipline such as galloping or trotter, flat and jumps horse races has been stopped in France and in all the EU countries, but not in Sweden... Which has remained a secure platform for the jockeys and their trusted favourites to train, show themselves, race and even to win . That was the case for “Grandissimo” - young stallion (only of 2 years old) who is the youngest of the horses that belong to HRH Princessin Angela von Hochnenzollern. “Grandissimo” has won the first prize without getting any getting any injury! HRHPrincessin   often pays her visits to Normandy and Paris  for visiti...

Castle life

Enjoy being part of the stories and videos having beautiful photos, videos and emotions @chateaudemontbrun