Music within the walls

Have you ever thought? Have you ever dreamt of living in the Castle, not just a Manor House but a real Fortress with walls of over 2 meters  up to 3,5 meters thick.. And did you envision that being inside such Castle walls is absolutely gorgeous... absolute sound proof  a dream for those who love having a feeling of securiness, playing music instruments whether it is a bass, piano, keyboard, violin, drums, saxophone, acoustic or electric and not to have complaining neighbours... absolute fabulous to expressing  yourself playing, singing, listening  to the music with or without amplification with a sense of no need to limiting yourself depending on time of day or night ... If often happens that way in the music room in Montbrun Castle...  the music is heard during the day and sometimes, depending on inspiration, during the nightly hours... when the family members play various music instruments, compose and share their skills with friends and guests. 
At the picture above you have partly view of the a music hall with its round sealing up to 3,5 meters high that allows to have an absolute echo in the middle position which makes the clerarest pure sound flying up to the sealing and and around... It’s absolutely more than special. Do you love music ? Do you play  a (any) instrument ? Do you have issues with neighbours due to your passion? 
Definitely the catslelord of Montbrun Castle does not. He plays keyboard, guitar, bass, flute, harpsichord and used to perform as a rock&roll singer already since the age of 12 with various public performances as a vocal soloist with his guitar and was nicknamed: Martin, el Rey del Rock y Roll:  due to his divine look, Ellis Presley hair style and his way of performing. However  it’s vary rare that one hears the Castlelord sing nowadays... whereas during the years his passion changed along with his interests... which became books ( there is a most magnificent library with staircase and second floor balcony full of bookshelves filled up with international editions of Latin language dictionaries, history, law, art and much more, but I promise I will dedicate a separate chapter for the breathtaking library in one of my next articles  next week)  and computer technologies... However the professional microphone stands in the middle of the music room, as a reminder of his former passion and awaiting future possibilities ...
Please share your answers in the comment section below and ask any questions to satisfy your curiosity... In return I promise to do my very beat to reply them all and reveal his hidden world...


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